Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chemical Pregnancy

Last weekend was awesome despite a not-so-good news I received.
Hubby came over and we had so much fun. Benarlah org kata, pergi lah mana pun mesti seronok asalkan bersama dengan orang kita sayang. Allah dah atur kehidupan kita sebaik yg mungkin. Perfect timing. Never too early, never too late.
We'll be on that later.

I had a +ve upt last week but turned -ve a few days later.
Aneh, excitement saya hanya untuk sekejap. Hehe sape tak excited kan bila dapat UPT +ve although it was only a faint line.
Later, after I got a -ve upt result I had a 3 days heavy tummy cramp. Yes, miss P was delayed too.  Memang sakit teramat tummy cramp tu, nearly cried.

Kebetulan hubby datang last weekend and we went to see gynea together.
She said I had a chemical pregnancy.

Imagine getting a positive pregnancy test only to start your period a few days later. Chemical pregnancies are unfortunately common and extremely heartbreaking, yet so little is understood about them. The two most basic things to understand about chemical pregnancy is that it was a real pregnancy, and it is a real miscarriage.
A chemical pregnancy should really be called an early miscarriage. The term “chemical pregnancy” implies that the pregnancy wasn’t real or that it was some kind of mix-up.

Now I know kenapa perut sangat sakit sejurus lepas dapat -ve upt.
It was a chemical pergnancy, this is really new to me. It means that the ovum and the sperm met but tak sempat jadi fetus. :)
Allah knows best. Rezeki saya belum tiba.
Allah hantar husband untuk teman saya last weekend, sgt indah rasanya. First time jumpa gynea, husband terpinga tengok perut saya di scan, husband dah pesan jangan buat vaginal scan. Haha ok syg. Saya pun belum ready. Haha.
Then excited je tgk gambar rahim saya walaupun takde pun baby dalam tu:).
It was great. Sayang husband sgt2.
He was really sweet. 
I still remember before we went to bed, he hugged me tightly and said to me;
" Maafkan abang atas segala salah abang, atas segala ketidaksempurnaan abang"
He made me smile. Jarang husband buat ayat touching macam tu. To me, he's the perfect man for me.
I love him mucho.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


In my life, as far as I remember lah kan..Miss P was never delayed.
My tummy dah tak selesa now.
So many possibilities:

  • Saya ada penyakit (mintak jauhkan dariku, Ya Allah tolong)
  • Saya pregnant
  • Miss P lambat sket this month sebab hormon yg bertukar.
Nak kata pregnant, macam tak. Takde la loya pun. Cuma perut ja la, on-off mild cramp mixed with aggressive cramp. Bila aggresive cramp tu, sakit dia macam nak menangis tau. Kalau ada hubby mesti dia dah peluk I calm me down kan. *gatal* hehe.

On the other hand. working life is REALLY BAD now.
I rasa nak nangis balik kerja tadi. Dah cuba tenangkan diri supaya tak gaduh dengan orang..

Perasaan ni sungguh tak enak.
Sedih, marah, tak best, sensitive, cepat terasa.

Dah lama tak mudah nangis sejak kawen sebab married life is wonderful.

Luckily husband is coming this weekend.
I love u much baby...
My imam..:)


Delayed flight is annoying, Delayed Miss P..?


Is hope. Amiin Ya Allah..:)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Post-Wedding: Photos

Salam people..I'd like to share with you some of our wedding photos:)

Guna phone camera je. Us and my Sheffield buddy:) Thanks for coming dear

My utmost favourite photo! Hihi. Love it.

Me and bunga tangan nikah yg saya buat sendiri je. Hihi

On the right is my bridal room. Table lamp by IKEA, velvet rose by Semua House, side table by IKEA, green candles by TESCO (I think la), rug by SOGO, Bedsheet from SOGO, curtain from SOGO. Hihi. Bridal room theme is; Tiffany Green. Auh love every inch of my room!

Thank You Husband

Living far from husband is not easy especially when my emotional is not stable.
I need more attention and his love. Hehe.
But I think he understands me more, husband saya cakap saya ni manja rupanya tapi tak mengada. Hehe.

Bila sedih, dia pujuk-pujuk di whatsapp..Memang lah happy kan.
Miss him a lot too.

Apa-apa pun sayang, thank you for always being there for me.
I love you forever.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


I'm feeling sad:(.

Its gonna be 24 days.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It's Tuesday

Salam and morning people. It has been a while kan since I last wrote anything here.
Life has been great but it would be way much better if I stay together with my husband.

I'm supposed to be back to kl this weekend but unfortunately husband will be in Kelantan for outstation.

On the other hand, being married has allowed me or alarmed me to study more about my body, my anatomy.
Including my ovulation. Haha.
Ye la, selama ni tak pernah kisah bila saya ovulate.

Bila dah kawen ni, baru lah sibuk nak tahu bila saya subur.. hihihi.

Luckily I found a website selling very cheap OPK, so lepas ni boleh la closely monitor my ovulation!
Seronok juga buat test pada diri sendiri di samping dapat kenal lagi badan sendiri.
Bukan apa, selama ni saya hanya main agak je and guna my phone apps to track my menstruation/ovulation.
Some results memang tak boleh pakai pun. Hehe.

Saya doakan rezeki saya dan husband dalam masa terdekat ni.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hye Helo

Being a wife teaches me a lot of things.
Now I need to learn more new terms-DPO, BBT, OPK, CD. Hehe

See you