Today marks my 37th week of pregnancy.
The father of my child also turns 27 today. What a lovely day Alhamdulillah.
Yesterday evening I was having this mild contraction. It felt like having period pain during the 'day of the month' with significant sakit pinggang. Serius, I was kinda freaked out. Called husband and he felt the same (lol).
I checked for any other indications i.e blood spotting or any water leak.
NO indications, a bit relieved.
Husband pulak jauh and he was up with something else, so he kept looking at the phone takut-takut I call lagi.
Alhamdulillah I think it was just a Braxton Hicks and probably baby was going further down, prepared for labour anytime soon.
On the other hand, husband turns 27 today. Alhamdulillah a year older and wiser, may he is always under Allah's blessings.
Moga dipanjangkan umur dalam iman dan dimurahkan rezeki yg halal. Moga happy sentiasa.