Sunday, March 10, 2013

Beberapa Perkara Gembira

Hujung minggu sudah hampir ke hujungnya. Ahad di kala malam, aku tersenyum melihat kasut baru ku beli tadi.


Beberapa perkara senyum untuk hari ini:
1) Gotong royong mengemas rumah bersama ahli bait. Top to toe ok. Seronok sangat bila rumah kemas super hehe. We also 'made' a new dining table dan secara automatik mood memasak kembali datang. FYI, sudah berbulan-bulan saya tidak masak. Mood takde kot. Now it comes back hehe.
2) While shopping for groceries this noon, I bought myself a new pair of shoes and I decided to wear it during my nikah day. To the mosque and for outdoor photoshoot:).
3) I cooked. Made nasi ayam and housemates love it. Hihihi.

Wedding preparation is sailing smooth. Believe it or not, fiance and I haven't really decided the hantaran for each other. We dont really mind I guess. To me, lagi la. Kalau takde barang hantaran pun takpe. I dont mind actually.Tapi takpe lah, both sides of families want some hantaran to be made. I ikutkan ajer.

Lagi seminggu nak balik untuk cuti kahwin.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bukan Hari Kesempurnaan

Mr Fiance pesan, jangan stress fikirkan urusan hari perkahwinan. Tentunya hal 'post wedding day' lebih penting.
Tambahnya, ingat; "Our wedding Day bukan hari kesempurnaan kita, ianya hari bahagia kita di mana kita sepatutnya rasa ceria, hari orang-orang meraikan kita:)"


Friday, March 8, 2013


Was having an extreme stress at work this morning.
Cried at the corner of office stairs, a colleague saw me crying.


I just want to get married now and have a romantic date with him.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

This Is Rare

Mr fiance was mad this morning and rarely I find it sweet.
Crazy you may call me but I love the reason he was mad.

I'm sorry dear, just remember, patience heals everything.

Allah is with is with us, always.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Move On

So last night, I realised I have moved on too far in life.
I left a lot of things, I lost some things and friends too.

Looking back, rindu pula kawan2 Sheffield..

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mimpi ke Bulan

Malam semalam mimpi indah.
Ku naik ke bulan, inginku apung di udara.

Hari ni badan terasa lemah semacam, kurang sihat. Kepala pun pusing.
Esok kerja dalam 'bilik kebal' lagi.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Saddening Sabah

It was so sad to hear our heroes killed because of the intruders in Sabah

Sedih, literally sedih.
Ya Allah, selamatkan lah hamba2 Mu yang berjuang untuk tanah air kami..
Lindungilah kami Ya Allah...:(

Wedding Prep Eps 4

Hai friends..
I start to feel nervous now.
Tried my reception tudung and not really happy with it *suddenly pula, masa beli suka pula. lols*.
Mr. Fiance is busy, he is working on Sunday. *note that we have different weekend now*.
Me? Just finished placing ribbons on my wedding cards. Some cards are posted to friends.
Next, tried my wedding shoes, 2 inch and Im not really into heels T_T.
Apa lagi? Tried to google how to DIY bunga tangan for nikah. Thinking of having red roses for my nikah bunga tangan.
Next? Just confirmed with my mak andam. I want her to do my make up for all events-Nikah, Sanding and bertandang. I dont think I would be able to hold an eyeliner pun masa tu. *haha exaggerate to show how nervous I would be*.
I stress fikir sume2 ni, nak mengadu kat tunang, dia kerja.
Hence I'm writing this.

Wish me luck.
Plus, I need to practise to be a wife now.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

SaveTheDate :)

I'm getting married this month.

The battle is coming to its end.


Doakan urusan kami dimudahkan.

I dok baca bride-to-be blogs, a lot DIYs they made.
Not much.
Except that I placed a ribbon to my own wedding card for close friends.

Till then, nanti I update lagi.
