Thursday, September 1, 2011

Helo September 2011, It's Raya Y'all! :D

Ok, tajuk sungguh ceria.
Selamat hari raya peeps, I hope it's not too late:).
Raya went well despite beberapa perkara kesedihan kecil yang terjadi.
Tak apa, kita move on, kita senyum and cherish the moment while it is still there. It's not the end of it yet, so let's pray hard sayang.
Cuma saya minta dikuatkan untuk hadapi apa jua kemungkinan.
Whatever it is, pertemuan pertama setelah 2 tahun tak jumpa memberikan saya senyum sepanjang hari.
Beberapa komen dia;
"Awak makin kurus, makan lah banyak lagi."
"Suka tengok awak senyum. Senyum selalu sebab senyuman awak manis, macam gula-gula".

Haha, gula-gula tu agak kelakar.

Saya buatkan dia spagethi bolognise. :)
My parent made bihun sup tulang.

It's time to go home. 5 minutes after he left my house, he called. I thought he left anything at my house.
"Why, you left anything?"
"No, Just want to thank you for today. Berat hati nak tinggal awak".
*sweet*. Saya senyum lebar di talian. 

Ok, now let pictures do the talking.:)

Little sisters

Little bro


Anak cousin.

Laundry to do. Later!:)

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